
About Me

Headshot of Alyssa Pacheco.
Hey! I'm Alyssa Pacheco, the owner of Monet Photography. I've been involved in photography for about a year now, and I'm super excited to grow my business! I love editing pictures in Lightroom and Photoshop, and I also love graphic design. Below are some of my favorite pictures; feel free to check them out and contact me to book a shoot.
girls laying down with sunglasses on. necklace with flower and plant background. senior holding diploma. frog toy being squished. senior posing with stole. headshot of smiling girl. band members performing. two girls laying down laughing with pizza. club member talking to two students. senior with cap and gown posing in front of sunset. club members hugging and smiling at club fair. polaroid camera with some other pictures scattered. girl smiling and posing behind a leaf. club members showing off the back of their shirts. club members hugging and laughing together.